1. Load Service Data ROLE -- Added SPARQL endpoint deduction capability to SPARQL-FED. Usage requires granting a new ROLE to SPARQL user account. Once granted, SPARQL-FED makes a best-attempt at dtereming the capabilities of a SPARQL endpoint by looking up (if available) its SPARQL Service Description Document and/or executing a series of SPARQL test queries e.g., returning SPARQL Query results in formats outlined by the W3C SPARQL spec.
  2. Improved LDP Support -- Enhanced support for Linked Data Platform protocol as an extension to existing WebDAV protocol support. You can now designate specific WebDAV folders as being LDP Containers, and once this designation has been made, LDP aware user agents will be able to deductively interact with WebDAV Folders and the documents they contain, using entity relations embedded in HTTP responses (header and body).
  3. Loosely-coupled SSL/TLS -- SSL/TLS version and associated cipher selection is now configurable. Net effect, you can now explicitly disbale the use of specific SSL/TLS versions e.g., disabling SSL/TLS 3.0 which is susceptible to the POODLE exploit.
  4. Mounting and Umounting 3rd Party Storage Services to WebDAV -- 3rd Party Storage Services (e.g., Dropbox, Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Box., Rackspace etc.,) are mountable and un-mountable using an asynchronous operation (in prior releases this was synchronous). Once mounted these 3rd party folder function like any other WebDAV resources. Thus, LDP container designation functionality also applies to this kind of WebDAV collection (a/k/a Dynamic Extension Resource Types or DETs for short) making Virtuoso WebDAV a powerful LDP proxy mechanism for storage services that do not currently support LDP
  5. Filesystem Hosted Virtual Tables -- Enables File System hosted CSV documents to be attached to Virtuoso instances. Once attached, these docuements can serve as virtual relations represented as SQL Relational Tables (by default) and/or RDF Property/Predicate graphs (via RDF Views generation functionality).
  6. Loosely-Coupled Sponger Middleware Services -- In-built RDF document transformation middleware is now loosely-coupled its host Virtuoso database server instance. As result, you can now request data transformation services (asynchronous, using POST method) from a sponger instance where the transformed data is returned as part of an HTTP response payload.
  7. In-built Nanotation Processor -- Enables TURTLE statements to be embedded in Email Messages, Online Discussion Posts, Tweets, Social Media Posts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+), HTML Body, and Plain Text documents en route to automatic transformation into RDF-based Linked Open Data which is then stored in the host Virtuoso instance. You now have the freedom, power, and flexibility to create data wherever and whenever -- as long as the target destination in a content input control that supports plain/text.
  8. Geo-Spatial SPARQL Extensions -- Enhanced extensions to SPARQL that enable high-performance and scalable query of data constructed using spatial oriented relations. New supported geometric datatypes include: polygons, polygons with holes, multi-polygons, geometric collections, multi-points, line strings, multi-line strings, and various geometric functions.
  9. SPARQL Query Processing Parallelism Enhancements -- 10x performance and scalability gain in regards to in multi-user applications and services that utilize complex lookup queries in SPARQL query patterns.