Virtuoso Cluster Benchmark AMI This document contains instructions for deploying the Virtuoso Cluster Benchmarks AMI. Note that these instructions do not apply to the open source v7fasttrack benchmark AMI. The AMI comes with a preconfigured TPC-H at 100G and at 1000G scale. The 100G scale is intended to be deployed on 2 machines and the 1000G on 4 machines. In each case the instances should be of the type R3.8xlarge. The instances must be launched in a virtual private cloud (AWS VPC). The VPC should have a security setting that allows unrestricted connections. The setups can be used for running TPC-H or any other workload. Follow the steps below to get started. Cluster Setup Launch 2 or 4 instances R3.8xlarge instances. The instances must all be in the same placement group and the same virtual private cloud (VPC) and the VPC must have unrestricted security settings. After launching the instances, put their private IP addresses in a file called hosts.conf. The instances will be named a1, a2, a3 and a4. The hosts.conf file is of the form: Number_of_machines = 4 Copy this file to the ec2-user's home in the first machine. Log in to the first machine and do: $ sudo $ The second command will create file systems on all machines and may take a few minutes. You can verify that there is a no-login ssh connection between any two of the hosts a1, a2, and so forth. The Virtuoso cluster server bundled with the image needs a license file. You may obtain the requisite number of license files, one per machine instance from OpenLink sales/support. You should specify that the license file is for use with the cluster benchmarks AMI. Once you have the license files, copy a different file to the /etc/oplmgr directory of each machine. scp virtuoso.lic.2 a2:/etc/oplmgr/ Then start the license manager on the machine: ssh a2 "cd /etc/oplmgr; /usr/sbin/oplmgr +start" Running a Virtuoso Cluster There are two ready made benchmark configurations, one with two machines in /home/tpch100c and one with 4 machines in /home/tpch1000c. In addition to these there are all the single server benchmark directories of the open source benchmarks AMI. You can use these setups for running TPC-H at the indicated scale or any other cluster workload. The setup is configured two run two server processes per machine, each scoped to its own NUMA node. The SQL listener of the first server process is 1201 on the first machine. The second process is at 1202 on the first machine, the third is at 1203 on the second machine and so forth. On the first host (a1) $ cd /home/tpch1000c # or /home/tpch100c for the 2 machine configuration $ ./ This command starts Virtuoso for running the cluster configurator utility which generates configuration files for all constituent processes based on template files *.tpl in the same directoory. The script then runs the setup files, creating data and running directories on each machine in the cluster. After completing, the Virtuoso cluster is ready to be started. To simply run Virtuoso without TPC-H, do ./ in the directory where the was run. This will create an empty database split across the nodes of the cluster when done for the first time. You can follow the progress of the start in /home/tpch1000r/1/virtuoso.log. Initialization takes about one minute. When the cluster is online, you can connect to it with $ isql 1201 To run TPC-H, you must first generate the dataset. This is done with $ ./ in the appropriate directory. This starts a parallel, distributed set of dbgen processes that will generate a fraction of the data on each of the machines. For 100G this takes a few minutes, for 1000G this is about half an hour. Once the data generation is complete, to start the database server and load the TPC-H dataset, do ./ This starts the servers, defines the schema and bulk loads the data. For 100G, this takes about 4 minutes, and about 34 minutes for 1000G. You can follow the progress of data loading by connecting to the servers and do interactive SQL. $ isql 1201 -- show the list of presently loading files. You can do this at intervals. SQL> select ll_file from load_list where ll_state = 1; -- To see cluster traffic and CPU utilization, you can do: SQL> status ('cluster'); -- or , for per process statistics SQL> status ('cluster_d'); -- from time to time you can check the table counts, e.g. SQL> select count (*) from lineitem; The script returns when the data loading is complete. After the data loading is complete, you can run the benchmark with ./ in the appropriate directory. This expects the servers to be up, in the post load state. For 100G this runs 2 sets of power + throughput tests, for 1000G this runs 3 sets. The 100G is has 5 stream of throughput test, the 1000G setup has 7. The 100G run takes about 3 minutes, the 1000G about 33 minutes. At the end of the run, the files report1.txt to report3.txt appear in the running directory. These contain the regular numerical quantities summaries for each power+throughput test pair. After the run is completed, you may do another run by stopping the servers without a checkpoint, so that they come up in the post bulk load state. Connect with isql: # isql 1201 SQL> cl_exec ('raw_exit ()'); Then delete the transaction logs by ssh "rm /1s1/dbs/*.trx" for each machine, a1, a2, ... To start the Virtuoso cluster, do $ ./ in the directory of the configuration, /home/tpch100c or /home/tpch1000c on the first machine, named a1 in /etc/hosts.