Founded in 1992, OpenLink Software, Inc., is a software company headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts, USA. The company develops and deploys standards-compliant middleware products that cover:

Transparent access to SQL data sources via ODBC and JDBC drivers, and OLE-DB, ADO.NET, and XMLA data providers; Enterprise Data Integration of heterogeneous SQL and XML and RDF data sources; Web Services Composition and Deployment; Business Process Management and Integration.

OpenLink Software is creator and owner of the Universal Data Access drivers suite (comprising OpenLink ODBC Drivers, OpenLink JDBC Drivers, OpenLink OLE-DB Providers, OpenLink ADO.NET Providers, and OpenLink XMLA Providers); the Virtuoso Universal Server; the iODBC driver manager; the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit for RIA development; OpenLink Data Spaces and other leading-edge middleware products.

With approximately 50 employees spread over 7 countries and 4 continents (figures from September 2007), OpenLink Software products are used by enterprises of all sizes from sole proprietorships to Fortune 100 companies. The company's products are in use in over 10,000 production deployments worldwide.

OpenLink Software revenues derive from selling support, consulting services, and training for their open-source products, as well as licensing fees for their closed-source and dual licensed products.

As an example: OpenLink Software makes the Virtuoso Universal Server (Open Source Edition) available under the GPL at no charge and also sells it under other more "traditional" licenses to clients who do not find the GPL suitable for their purposes (such as inclusion of OpenLink Software technology in a closed source product).

Other sources of revenue for OpenLink Software include providing support and consulting as well as training and certification for the Virtuoso Universal Server and their Universal Data Access drivers. OpenLink Software products are also embedded in products by other companies including: Apple, Avaya, Lucent, Sungard Bi-Tech, North Plains Systems, Open Text, and others.