what is Enterprise2.0?
meet Charlie meet Charlie

meet Charlie mr. Enterprise2.0
Charlie works here......
meet Charlie
and here...
meet Charlie
Charlie's Project team are here...
meet Charlie

so Charlie has to find way's of working in a global team, in different time zone's and with people he has never met......

this is Charlie's boss... meet Charlie
Charlie subscribes to his blog via an RSS feed meet Charlie
meet Charlie He feels like he knows him real well, and always knows what he's thinking and where the company is heading.

he's never met his boss in person
Charlie also has a project blog
his boss subscribes to it via an RSS feed

his team subscribe to it via an RSS feed

130 people he doesn't know subscribe to it via an RSS feed
meet Charlie
they all feel like they know him and his project real well
Charlie uses BaseCamp to manage his project...
meet Charlie he assigns tasks & deadlines to team members online

team members communicate & check off tasks online

Charlie monitor's progress and workload online

Charlie likes tools like BaseCamp because they are lightweight, easy to use and quick...oh and it has RSS...

No training needed for new team members - sign up and go

Charlie uses the company wiki... a lot

meet Charlie
the wiki is accessible and editable by everyone at the company

he encourages the users to use the company wiki...

meet Charlie

to create their own user documentation

that's less work for Charlie...
meet Charlie collaborative documentation...
...and empowerment for the users
Charlie stores & tags all his bookmarks on the intranet
meet Charlie
...everyone can see them...and he can see everyone else's
his tags highlight his interests & stuff he's keeping an eye on
meet Charlie he can see who else is interested in the same things by exploring tags
Charlie's boss & project team use the same Social Bookmarking app...
meet Charlie
...they subscribe to each others tag feeds via RSS
this is Carole

Charlie's colleague & mentor
meet Charlie
Carole normally has lots to say...
meet Charlie so she creates audio podcasts which are aggregated throughout the company
when a new podcast is available from Carole's blog.....

meet Charlie Charlie is notified via RSS
meet Charlie
he then downloads, listens & syndicates the podcast on his own blog
Charlie has a LinkedIn profile...
meet Charlie
...so does his boss
meet Charlie
...and most of his team
meet Charlie

...in fact, that's how he got the job. Using a Social Network to find contacts and opportunities.

Charlie say's...
...if people don't know what you can do...why would they ask you to do it?
advertise yourself! meet Charlie

you see...

...social networking is not just for kids!
meet Charlie

from his tags, his blog, his wiki entries and his LinkedIn profile...

people often contact Charlie from different departments and even countries...

...just to say Hi...or to say, hey, I work on a similar project, how can we collaborate...?

it's about collaboration

18 months ago Charlie was using these tools ...

meet Charlie

today Charlie uses these tools ...

meet Charlie

if you were to...

..ask Charlie what his favourite piece of software is....?
meet Charlie ..he'd give it some thought......

..and say it was a trick question......
..and answer with...

meet Charlie Firefox

meet Charlie

..as Charlie uses his favourite browser for almost any app

meet Charlie

..ask Charlie what Enterprise2.0 is...?

meet Charlie ..he'd say he hates buzz words...
..but it's most definately

Social Software
within the firewall...

..easy to use software
web based
bottom up, not top down
less feature bloat, more GTD

social networking
online collaboration
social bookmarking

..they all have a social element

..they are all browser based...
meet Charlie Enterprise2.0 ...

initiated by those passionate about web2.0

and implemented by people like Charlie....


Situation Analysis

Layers: Link

link level

Layers: Net hides links

net level

Layers: Web hides computers

web level

Layers: Web hides computers

web level

Layers: Semantic Web

sem web level

Layers: Semantic Web

sem web level

Layers: Semantic Web

graph level

Layers: Semantic Web

graph2 level


process of web science: wikipedia


process of web science: wikipedia