How Do I Install Virtuoso on Linux and other Unix Operating Systems?

  1. Download the Installer Archive (e.g., Linux Installer Archive from the download site) to a designated installation directory.
  2. Un-tar the file to obtain the install script and archive file using a command like this, where XX specifies the OS identifier (e.g., l9 = Linux glibc25 x86_64, sv = Solaris 2.10 x86_64, etc.):
    tar xvf XXvpz2zz.tar
  3. If you don't already have a license file, one can be obtained by clicking on the Generate Evaluation License button in step 1.
    • A copy of the license file will also be stored in your OpenLink Data Spaces Briefcase folder.
    • If a license file exists, place this in the same directory as the installation files, and it will automatically be applied during installation.
    • If upgrading an existing Virtuoso instance, be sure to take a backup of your database file and shut down the existing instance before proceeding.
  4. Run the install script using the following command:
    $ sh
    Extracting Virtuoso Universal Server v8.3
    Checking where license file should be stored
    Please make sure all licenses are stored in: "/etc/oplmgr"
    Checking for initial Virtuoso license
    Starting OpenLink License Manager
    Using License directory "/etc/oplmgr"
    Creating default environment settings
    Creating default database settings
    Configuring: database
    Creating directory $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database/backup
    Creating directory $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database/logs
    Installing new virtuoso.ini in $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database
    Installing new php.ini in $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database
    Creating symlink to $VIRTUOSO_HOME/bin/virtuoso-iodbc-t
    Registering ODBC drivers
    Registering .NET provider for Mono
    Finalizing installation

    This concludes the first part of the installation.

  5. To start the Virtuoso database, please use the following command:
    $ bin/

    After the Virtuoso database successfully started, you can continue setting up your database by opening the following URL in your browser:


    Installation completed.

  6. Run the “bin/” script to start the Virtuoso database. This will either start the existing database (if it is an upgrade) or create a new database in the “database” directory with an initial-password set for it:
    $ bin/
    Checking the OpenLink License Manager
    Using License directory "/etc/oplmgr"
    Starting Virtuoso instance in [database]
    Generating a random password
    Initializing the new database
    NOTE: The new database has been initialized with a randomly generated password for both dba and dav accounts. Make sure you change it at your earliest opportunity. The password has been saved to disk in: database/.initial-password
    Starting the database
  7. Check the “database/.initial-password” file to see what the random password has been set to for the database:
    $ cat database/.initial-password 
  8. The Virtuoso Conductor Database Administration Web interface “http://hostname:8890/conductor” can now be logged into using the password above.
  9. If Conductor login is successful, the installation is now ready for use.