How Do I Install or Update Virtuoso Releases across Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, and CentOS, via the OpenLink Nexus Repo

  1. AWS RedHat Enterprise Linux 7:
    • OpenLink provides Amazon BYOL & PAGO Virtuoso EC2 AMI MarketPlace Offers.
    • The latest Amazon BYOL & PAGO Virtuoso EC2 AMI MarketPlace Offers, since version 08.03.3323 and above, are hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository (, and can be updated with the command:
      yum update
      This will automatically download and install the latest operating system and Virtuoso updates.
  2. AWS & Azure Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
    • The Virtuoso Ubuntu 18.04 LTS AWS PAGO, AWS BYOL, Azure PAGO, and Azure BYOL offers are built from the OpenLink Nexus Repository, and are automatically bound to the repository.
    • Update to the latest Virtuoso packages with the command:
      sudo apt upgrade
      This will automatically download and install the latest operating system and Virtuoso updates.
  3. CentOS 7 and 8:
    1. Install the EPEL metadata:
      sudo yum install -y epel-release
    2. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:
      sudo yum install -y
    3. Install Virtuoso 8.3 on a local machine:
      sudo yum install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-full
    • The Virtuoso installation is hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:
      sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }
    • Obtain the latest Virtuoso packages with the command:
      sudo yum update
  4. RedHat Enterprise Linux 7:
    1. Install the EPEL metadata:
      sudo yum install
    2. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:
      sudo yum install -y
    3. Install Virtuoso 8.3 on a local machine:
      sudo yum install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-full
    • The Virtuoso installation is hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:
      sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }
    • Obtain the latest Virtuoso packages with the command:
      sudo yum update
  5. RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.x / 9.x:
    1. Install the EPEL metadata:
      sudo yum install
    2. Install the OpenLink repository metadata:
      sudo yum install -y
    3. Install Virtuoso 8.3 on a local machine:
      sudo yum install -y virtuoso-8-commercial-full
    • The Virtuoso installation is hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:
      sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }
    • Obtain the latest Virtuoso packages with the command:
      sudo yum update
  6. Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04 LTS and Debian 10 / 11:
    1. Install Virtuoso from the OpenLink Nexus Repository:
      apt update
      apt install ./openlink-repo.deb
      apt update
      apt install virtuoso-8-commercial-full
    2. Enable the Virtuoso instance to auto-start on reboot:
      sudo systemctl enable virtuoso
    • The Virtuoso installation is hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:
      sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }
    • Obtain the latest Virtuoso packages with the command:
      sudo apt-get upgrade
  7. Apply Virtuoso License:
    • Once the Virtuoso packages for the target Linux distribution have been installed from the repository, add a valid Virtuoso license (virtuoso.lic) to the directory /etc/oplmgr.
    • Stop and start the OpenLink License Manager (oplmgr) with the commands:
      sudo service oplmgr { start | status | stop }
    • If the Virtuoso server is running, stop and start it for the license file to be picked up, with the commands:
      sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }
    • Check the /opt/database/virtuoso.log file to ensure the license file is valid and has been accepted for use.